FirstLine Website "eCommerce"

Complete eCommerce Website

Includes: All the Features of FirstLine "Standard" website, plus the ability to add eCommerce, Catalogue, Shopping Cart, Image Galleries, SlideShows, Private Pages, Member Accounts Management. 


Price: $149.00 per Month.

Set Up $5.00 


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The Service: 

The Service includes: License to use shared web hosting and web-based software application that includes some or all of the following functionality:

Web site:

  • Complete website, ready for the addition of content;
  • One customised web-site design tailored to your choice of colours, and incorporating logos and graphics provided by you;
  • Self management of all features using the Content Management System - self manage your site without programmers, designers, IT specialists or knowledge of coding;
  • Access for page editing and website management from any Internet connected computer (anywhere in the world) through password protected login;
  • (No additional software is required on your computers, it works though Internet Explorer web browser);
  • Flexible, multi-level navigation menus, automatically generated on page creation;
  • Easy to manage web-site structure: (Change the location of pages in the site hierarchy, as required, with two mouse clicks);
  • Online wysiwyg web page editor. ("wysiwyg" = "What You See Is What You Get");
  • Spell checking available in the editor;
  • Easily create hyperlinks to other pages or external websites;
  • Easily upload images for inclusion in your pages;
  • Direct editing of HTML source is available (for expert use);
  • Easy to use Custom Forms Builder;
  • Database storage of forms data;
  • Multiple Languages (141 different languages including complex character sets like Chinese, Arabic, Thai);
  • Ability to upload and host computer files for download by site visitors. (eg PDF, Word, Excel, Power Point, RTF, music, sound, video, etc.);
  • SSL Encryption option;(Additional Cost for your own SSL security certificate)
  • Special Pages for "Page Not Found" and "Forbidden";
  • Page Editor access to set and edit "Meta Tags" for Keywords and Description;
  • Safe Edit: The publicly visible page remains unchanged while editing and while waiting approval.
  • No “Under Construction” pages are visible to the public. (only authorised page editors can see them);
  • Search Engine Friendly: Compatible with the requirements for all search engines;
  • Built in “wizard” to check for broken links;
  • Fast reliable secure Website hosting; (High speed (100Mbps) server connection to the Internet Backbone); 
  • *Email Redirects: Email sent to addresses at your domain (e.g. can be automatically redirected to your existing email (eg
  • Connection of your site to online real-time website statistics with detailed visitor tracking and analysis;
  • *Submission to 5 major search engines;
  • Online Help Pages, Downloadable 174 page user Manual. (
  • 40 minute training session;
  • Telephone or email support 8am-8pm (weekdays);


  • E-Commerce Engine to allow the sale of goods or services through the web-site;
  • Shopping Catalogue, with personalised pricing, product management, and stock control; Easily editable product name, description, and codes;
  • Fully customisable detailed display page for each product; (Attach multiple images, PDFs flash presentations and more); 
  • Stock quantity support (inventory); 
  • Adjustable tax rate (GST); 
  • Multiple price group support (eg for "Registered users", "High volume customers" automatically selected via login); 
  • Adjust postage and handling costs; 
  • Supports SSL encryption;
  • Design your own order form; 
  • Order History (tracking);
  • Shopping basket;

Payment Gateway:

  • Integration with Payment Gateway: eWay or Stripe
  •  Connect Shopping Basket to "PayPal Website Payments Standard" online payment system; (Note: "PayPay" notifies payment acceptance or rejection by email, the Order History does not capture the PayPal response.)

Site Searching

  • Integrated site searching;
  • Allows search field on every page;
  • Customise number of results per page;
  • Search site for pages and file attachments;
  • Limit file types from search;
  • Sorts results in order of relevance;
  • Show thumbnails for pages and files if attached;
  • Limit searches to specific sections;

Loading Shopping Catalogue Data and Images.

  • One Initial upload of the shopping catalogue, including text data and product images; (Note: text data must be provided in .csv (excel) format. Images formatted as .jpg, gif, tif, pdf, psd, or png are acceptable.)

*Loading Content:

Up to 5 pages of web page content (text and images provided electronically) supplied by you before we commence building the website will be loaded by FirstLine. 

*Photo Gallery

FirstLine will set up a photo gallery page, ready for you to upload your photos and thumbnail images.
Display a thumbnail image for each photo;
Click on the thumbnail to show a large image pop-up;
Optionally display a description with the large image;
You can set how many thumbnail images per row/per page;
Automatically generates “next” and “previous” links when the number of images exceed the per page setting.

*One Custom Form Pre-built:

  • FirstLine will build one custom form to your specification. (Maximum 15 fields each form). 

*Site Map (Self Generating)

  • Customisable number of levels, layout and colours to suit the site design.
  • Display different navigation levels 
  • Control layout using columns, colours and style sheets 
  • Exclude nominated pages from site map 
  • Display page description in DHTML tool tips
(Items marked * are activated on request (no extra charge))


  • Unless otherwise stated, the following items are not included the Service, but they may be provided for additional fees as agreed between the parties:
  • Domain Name Registration;
  • Email Hosting;
  • Additional Services (such as loading content; additional design; custom design of logos; design of animated graphics; writing or editing copy; photography; sourcing of images; supply of images or graphics; resizing of images; Activating Additional Services; Email Hosting, Domain Name Registration; Provision of SSL security Certificate; Search Engine Optimisation; Search Engine Marketing; Creating additional backup copies of the website and database; and other services)